

時間是2011年的1月初,休完10天的耶誔和新年假期後的某天,我翻看著銀行每個月寄來的 statement 收支明細表,注意到了近三個月來,每月都有一筆SHOPPERDISCOUNTS.CO.UK 10鎊支出!我回想起了它第一次出現時,我對這筆支出摸不著頭緒,但當時因為計劃旅遊,10月時在網路上交易了好幾筆車票和住宿,便疏忽了沒有去細查。但11和12月它又一再地出現了!

我心頭一驚,腦子裡有了這個結論!二話不說,馬上衝去 Cash Machine 先把戶頭的錢提走再說。

SHOPPERDISCOUNTS 是哪來的妖孽?我是在何時何處招惹上它的?

翌日我去了一趟 NatWest 銀行服務台,詢問行員是否知道這是什麼情況?為何有人可以每個月從我戶頭領走錢?行員迅速地寫了一個電話號碼給我,「Call this number, they will help you.」我的帳戶是不是不安全了?對於我不甘心這樣被打發的追問,他只是說你的帳戶是安全的,然後只重覆說撥打他給我的電話號碼會有人處理。
面對這 "不要來煩我,我不想理你!!" 的 helpless 行員,我只能另尋協助了。
不過,從行員習以為常的表情看來,想必這種事件經常發生。回到住處後,我先上網開始 Google "SHOPPERDISCOUNTS" 的真面目,並從網友的經驗中找對策。

在英國使用率最高的訂火車票的網站,也有 "SHOPPERDISCOUNTS" 的踪影。

原來, "SHOPPERDISCOUNTS" 就像是一個遊走在法律邊緣的小人,表面上冠冕堂皇地經營著會員制的提供各方面折扣和優惠的網站,但主要收入來源我想就是像我一般根本不知道自己成為了會員的,在各種線上交易下被釣上勾的帳戶,(根據網友經驗,它遍佈在各種交易網頁,就算知名的航空公司或服飾店都放了線,不可大意!)每月坐收會員的會費,而會員根本沒有得到半點折扣或任何服務,因為根本不知道自己成為了會員!

討論串中有一位支持 "SHOPPERDISCOUNTS" 的網友,他說他使用了 "SHOPPERDISCOUNTS" 的折扣服務,在交通、音樂劇甚至孩子們的衣服上省了很多花費,但其它網友對之嗤之以鼻。而我也只想要回我平白無故就被拿走的錢,完全不想加入 "SHOPPERDISCOUNTS" 的遊戲。就算 "SHOPPERDISCOUNTS" 網站真的有提供些優惠折扣,對於它擺明打糊塗仗,故意粉飾真相誤導使用者後,強說你同意加入了,便竊取了你線上交易的帳戶資料,偷偷開始扣款。這種行為,根本與詐騙無異!

搞清楚了 "SHOPPERDISCOUNTS" 的"經營手法"後,我E-mail 了一封嚴正的聲明:

I didn't use any of your service and don't need anything from you. How can you have my detail and charge me without my authorization every month!!
Stop it and give my money back. And I AM NOT your member!!
I'll go to my bank tomorrow, hope I can see my money back or I should do something about it!!

以上便是E-mail的內容,不好意思,當時在氣頭上,正紅大字才有Fu~而且因對方為了維護它生意的"永續經營",必然是息事寧人,反正還被釣著的魚多的是,閙起來的快放走以免驚動其它線。所以我想表明立場他們才會即刻處理,也不敢呼嚨你說不能Full refund。


This notice confirms that your Membership in Shopper Discounts & Rewards has been cancelled as of 07/01/2011.

Your cancel confirmation number is: 31683560.

We have issued a refund of your Membership fee. This refund will appear as a credit to your account within the next 10 working days.

Please let us know if your request was resolved to your satisfaction. All responses submitted will go to our Customer Service Director for review because your feedback is important to us.

If you would like to provide feedback, please click here.


The Shopper Discounts & Rewards Team
0800 731 9935


Dear Mei-Na,
Thank you for contacting Shopper Discounts & Rewards.
Our records show that you or someone with access to your credit/debit card completed an online transaction with www.nationalexpress.com.  After your transaction, you were offered the opportunity to join the Shopper Discounts & Rewards programme with a £15 cash back voucher and a 30 day free trial.  Immediately next to the offer, the Offer and Billing Details were displayed.  By entering your name, address and credit or debit card details and then clicking on the 'yes' button to accept the offer, you authorised us to charge the monthly membership fee of £10 to the credit card or debit card that was provided after your free trial period ended.
Shopper Discounts & Rewards is an online savings and discount programme that enables you to earn cash back rebates of up to 20% at over 800 online retailers.  In addition, members can benefit from shopping guarantees and protections.
We try to make the offer as clear as possible by placing the Offer and Billing details directly next to the offer and sending out a pre-bill notification email within the 30 day trial period. However, we apologise if there has been any misunderstanding in the offer. Please be assured that we would never have received your credit or debit card details without appropriate permission from the person who agreed to the membership.
This membership has been cancelled as of the 07/01/2011 and we have issued 1 refund of £10 for the membership fee charged.  Your refund will be credited to your credit card or debit card account within the next 10 working days.
Your cancel confirmation number is: 31683560

If you require further assistance, please contact our Customer Contact Centre on our free phone number:  0800 731 9935 Monday-Friday 8am-8pm and Saturday 9am-4pm.


The Shopper Discounts & Rewards Teamcustomerservice@shopperdiscountsandrewards.co.uk
0800 731 9935
This email is from Webloyalty International Limited ("Webloyalty"). Webloyalty is a limited company registered in England, company number 05922626 and its registered office is at Po Box 450, Tubs Hill House, London Road, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 1BL, United Kingdom.

信中努力解釋著他們是"合法經營"的,但當時我的帳戶資料是提供給買車票的交易用的,雖然自己也要反省一下幹嘛貪心去按了一下 YES!但它把我提供給nationalexpress 的交易資料,直接當作我同意給他們的資料,這種做法太取巧了,完全無法苟同。一直以為按了YES 也沒出現什麼會要你機密資料的訊息,可能只是被加入了廣告名單裡而已,哪裡知道它是為了要取走剛剛交易的帳戶資料!


不必再浪費精力時間,我只回覆了一句:I hope i will have my full refund ASAP
沒有其它動作,也填refund request form,四天後,30鎊就回到了我的戶頭。

這個手法在台灣還沒有遇過耶!可能是我們還沒有debit card 這種交易方式,不會有第三方直接從你戶頭扣錢的情況。真的是越自由、越方便,便有越多的漏洞可鑽。要小心丫~

真好奇"SHOPPERDISCOUNTS" 池裡總共有多少不知自己己上勾的魚呢?

3 則留言:

  1. 不客氣!
